Brisbane office (07) 3325 2002

Thursday, 19 June 2014 00:00

Font of the week!

Hello Roboto! Roboto is an open type family designed for high resolution mobile devices. The font was designed entirely in-house at Google by Christian Robertson, who also designed Dear Sarah and Ubuntu Titling.

We love it! ...But not everyone does...

In 2011 Steven Coles of remarked that Roboto was "not a typeface. It’s a tossed salad. Or a four-headed Frankenstein. In any event, Roboto probably won’t terrorize mobile screens for very long. Helvetica and Frutiger are immortal. Hodgepodge brutes like these usually have a short lifespan."

Despite Roboto's less than ideal reception, the font is now the default on the Android Ice Cream Sandwich operating system and since 15 May 2013, it is also the default font of Google+ and Google Play, and is used in Google Maps.

...and Getset have decided to use it for their new website.

At Getset

Clients communicate directly with the designers and the studio manager. This helps to build strong client relationships, ensures a smooth workflow, consistency with design and a greater understanding of the client’s needs. 

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